

Global Landscape of Clinical Trials in Lung Cancer

  • 摘要: 肺癌作为全球发病率排名第二、死亡率居高不下的癌种威胁全人类生命健康。通过开展临床试验,肺癌的治疗手段逐渐丰富,治疗时机的把握和认知更为清晰,肺癌患者的预后也得到了显著改善,然而仍然存在未被满足的临床需求。本文回顾了全球肺癌治疗领域的临床研究发展情况,阐述了临床试验在设计、实施和监管等方面的变化:研究终点的变革有利于缩短研发周期、加速药物上市,研究人群、药物靶点的细化有利于实现精准治疗的最大化疗效,综合多元化的治疗手段、防治结合有利于改善生存、减少社会负担,并对未来发展方向提出展望。


    Abstract: Lung cancer, the second most prevalent cancer in the world with a persistently high mortality rate, threatens the life and health of all humanity. With the development of clinical trials, the treatment options for lung cancer have been enriched, and the understanding of the timing of intervention has become more explicit than before. Thus, the prognosis of lung cancer has significantly improved. However, unmet clinical needs still exist. This review provides the global trend of clinical research in lung cancer treatment and describes the evolution of clinical trials in terms of design, implementation, and regulation. The change in study endpoints is conducive to shortening the research and development cycle and accelerating the launch of drugs. The refinement of study populations and therapeutic targets facilitates the realization of the maximum efficacy of precision treatment. The integration of comprehensive and diversified therapeutic strategies and the combination of prevention and treatment further promote the improvement of survival and the alleviation of social burden. This review also proposes a prospective direction for future development of clinical research in lung cancer.


